The month of July has named us head of the safety league tables at our Heathrow T5 site. The award recognises the outstanding safety performance and lasting contribution on site. Taking the lead with 94% the award was scored on the following factors:

•    Supervision
•    Housekeeping
•    Personal Protective Equipment
•    Don’t Walk By
•    Maintaining Safety Record
•    Inspection Reports Issued & Auctioned
•    Tool Box Talks/Risk Assessments & Method Statements Briefings
•    Mornings Prayers
•    Risk Assessment/Method Statement
•    Manual Handling
•    Trade Contractor Safety Advisor Visits
•    Perception
•    Managers/Operatives Safety Meeting
•    Plant
•    Working at Height

We are currently working on the North atrium where we have erected a birdcage which is fully boarded to the external scaffold to allow other trades to clad the building. The top lift of the birdcage has been fully boarded to allow for the temporary roof to be removed and for the new roof to be installed and glazed.

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