10th October 2024 marks World Mental Health Day and the theme this year is ‘workplace mental health’.

The day aims to increase awareness, encourage others to discuss and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health.

As more than 82,000 new cases of work-associated illnesses directly related to working in construction are reported each year, the subject aims to address mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. In recent years, more than 875,000 people have reported feeling depressed, anxious, or stressed out due to their jobs.

Educating ourselves and talking to one another are two ways to minimise the stigma creating a better place for all.

Brogan Group delivered toolbox talks over the last couple of weeks on the subject to site teams across the UK and Ireland, as part of a company approach to preventing and managing work-related ill-health. Trained Brogan Group mental health first aiders are also on hand to provide help and advice 24/7 to all company employees.

As the second biggest cause of work-related ill health in the construction industry, starting a conversation is an important first step to take in preventing work-related stress.

 A few key indicators of stress, anxiety and depression include:

  • Poor timekeeping
  • Alcohol / drug misuse
  • Quiet and withdrawn, unexplained aches and pains
  • Safety and risk-taking
  • Being tired all the time
  • Extremes of emotion and Lack of cooperation

In accordance with the Working Minds campaign, below are five steps to take to improve your mental health…

  • Reach out and have conversations
  • Recognise the signs and causes of stress
  • Respond by agreeing relevant action points between employer and worker
  • Reflect on the actions taken – have things improved?
  • Make it Routine to check back in on how things are going

Brogan Group have an ongoing membership with the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity who offer 24/7 support to the UK and Ireland.

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