About Us
Trinity Long Room Hub is a new development currently underway between the Arts block and the Post Graduate reading room on Fellows Square in Trinity College.
The building will provide a post graduate reading and learning centre for those specialising in an arts subject. The building has been designed to accommodate a team working on the digitisation of the treasures of Trinity’s great library: a vital component of the plan to unlock the treasures of the library and display them to the world.
The Hub is due for completion in March 2010, once open it will provide first-class research facilities for post-doctoral students, as well as offices for international visiting research fellows. The 1st floor will accommodate a seminar room with state-of-the-art video-conferencing facilities, which will be heavily used for academic and managerial meetings within the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, and across the wider college community. The 70-seat lecture theatre will be heavily used for lectures, conferences, symposia and colloquia.
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