In support of the polar bear, we have recently made another donation to Polar Bear International (PBI), a non profit organisation dedicated to the worldwide conservation of the polar bear. 

Donations to PBI contribute towards: 
•    Sponsoring youth leadership camps and resources for educators to add the energy and ideas of youth to saving polar bears.

•    Forge more alliances like those that exist with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots and many other groups helping to reach around the world with the urgency for action. 

•    Advance stewardship plans to save orphaned cubs, help starving bears, and minimize human/polar bear conflicts as stressed bears are driven ashore.

•    Fund vital research to help define government actions needed to save the polar bears. PBI's previous research led to listing polar bears as a threatened species in the U.S. and is being used to set industrial guidelines and hunting quotas

•    This year, PBI has had an anonymous donor agree to match every donation made to Polar Bears International in the month of December up to a total of $200,000 making each donation twice as helpful.

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