10th – 16th June marks international Men’s health week seeking to raise awareness surrounding the topic of men’s health.

The annually observed week aims to heighten awareness surrounding preventable health problems, encouraging men to engage in healthier lifestyle choices and take a proactive approach in managing both their physical and mental health.

Mates in Mind, a UK focussed mental health charity drew light on some statistics concerning men within the construction industry…

  • One man in five dies before the age of 65.
  • Four in five suicides are by men, with suicide being the biggest cause of death for men under 35.
  • A third of construction workers live and work with severe levels of anxiety.

It has also be found that 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime and testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men aged 25 – 49 year olds.

At Brogan Group, raising awareness of health and welfare is a key priority therefore, toolbox talks have been delivered to all our UK and Irish sites in the lead up to the week. Trained Mental Health first aiders are also on hand offering support and advice to all our UK and Irish office and site staff.

In the UK and Ireland, Brogan Group work closely with charities such as Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity who are available 24/7 for support.

Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity - https://www.lighthouseclub.org/

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