A member of our dedicated site team has recently been presented with the Green Card Award from main contractor John Sisk.
John Woodham a member of our site team at the Grosvenor Kensington hotel project in London has been commended for the following reason which demonstrates a pro-active attitude towards site Health and Safety and therefore contributes to a safe working environment for everybody on this site.
• Offering a practical suggestion to improve an aspect of site health and safety
• Taking action to alert a site management of a potential hazard
• Taking action yourself to avert a situation which could have resulted in injury or damage
• You have been nominated by somebody on site for your contribution to achieving high health and safety standards
• Promoting environmental awareness and best practice
• Constantly working safely and setting a good example to others.
We congratulate John on this achievement and going forward continue to actively promote only the highest health, safety and environmental standards in all our operations.