Brogan Group Awarded FORS Silver

Brogan Group Now FORS Silver Accredited

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is an accreditation scheme that aims to improve the fleet activity of contractors in London and throughout the UK and beyond.

FORS provides a quality and performance benchmark for the industry. By meeting the scheme's membership standards, it can demonstrate to clients that Brogan Group is a high quality transport and logistics operator.

In order to gain silver accreditation, Brogan Group needed to meet the following criteria set by FORS;

  • Maintain FORS bronze - fleet operators shall maintain their FORS bronze certification
  • Driver licencing - ensure that a verification system is in place to provide confidence that all drivers hold a valid licence for the category of vehicle they are tasked to drive
  • Vehicle warning equipment - ensure that all vehicles over 3.5 tonnes gross weight are equipped with audible means to warn other road users of a vehicle's left manoeuvre
  • Blind-spot minimisation - ensure all vehicles over 3.5 tonnes gross weight have front, side and rear blind-spots completely eliminated or minimised as far as is practical and possible through a combination of fully operational direct and indirect vision aids and driver audible alerts
  • Driver training - ensure all drivers (including those exempt or not in scope of the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence) undergo approved progressive training specifically covering the safety of vulnerable road users
  • Transport related fines and charges - have a policy in place to investigate and analyse all transport related fines and charges and implement intervention(s) to reduce the amount received

Brogan Group aims to keep all aspects of our work as safe as possible, and keep to the highest standards of Health & Safety.


Tags on this post: fleet, fors, health & safety



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