The week commencing 21st May saw Brogan Group successfully contribute for the third time to the National Construction Colleges’ Contructionarium project.
The project is a 6 day hands-on construction experience for students and young professionals. It is where students following civil engineering built or construction management courses learn practically to establish working links with industry – their future employers.
During the 6 day field course participants are required to construct scaled down versions of bridges, buildings, dams and civil engineering projects. Students are assessed on the final day in terms of budgetary control, methodology and timely completion.
This event saw main contractor Laing O’Rourke work in collaboration with Ramboll and Cambridge University and involved 3rd year students and two mock construction projects.
Brogan Group was approached by Laing O’Rourke to erect scaffolding in the form of handrails and edge protection as the project progresses to assist the students to construct a mini version of The Millau Bridge in southern France and the entrance to Naples Airport underground station complete with canopy.
The Group was once again happy to offer our industry expertise and experience to what is a rewarding and worthwhile project, which promotes safety awareness to prospective colleagues and employees within the industry.
Please see photos of the project above and below.