New app launches to support construction workers mental health

Brogan supported charity, The Lighthouse Club have launched their new app to support construction workers mental health.

On top of the fact that two construction workers take their own life every single working day is the fact that stress, anxiety and depression currently accounts for a fifth of all work-related illness. Lighthouse have been working closely alongside a construction software firm called ‘COINS’ in order to address this sensitive subject.

Lighthouse recognise that not everyone feels comfortable talking about their feelings or personal situation, so this free app is aimed at people who would like to find out more information about how they can help themselves or take the next step in seeking professional help. It is a preventative tool and provides support at the early stages of a situation so that the problem does not reach a life critical stage.

The app will provide vital information, advice and guidance on many wellbeing topics including stress, anxiety, depression, anger and suicidal thoughts. It will also provide access to support in other areas such as drug and alcohol dependency, debt management, legal advice and emergency financial aid.

The app will offer construction workers the following:

  • It will guide you through a series of questions to help gain a basic understanding of what the problem is
  • Offer learning and detailed expert information about various wellbeing conditions
  • Help you to understand what is normal and what isn’t for each condition
  • Offer self help tools and easy to use coping strategies to relieve the signs and symptoms of your conditions
  • Give you the confidence to talk about your condition
  • Provide clarity in a complex environment and allow you to access ongoing support

In addition to the app, Lighthouse have also developed an online portal of information about mental health called ‘Building Mental Health’. This is to help companies start and develop the process of building a positive mental health culture in their organisation. The contributors are a group of volunteers who have shared their industry expertise, latest thinking and best practice. From downloadable tool box talks, through to advice on how to access mental health training, all the information is free of charge, copyright free and can be tailored to individual needs.

Tags on this post: health & safety



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